Our Team

AINA's staff, Board of Directors, Fellows, and Associates bring a wide-ranging and multidisciplinary wealth of knowledge and experience to the running of the Institute.

Maribeth Murray

Maribeth Murray

Executive Director 


Dr. Murray is a transdisciplinary scholar with expertise in both the social and natural sciences. Trained as an environmental archaeologist, she transitioned to focus on contemporary climate change and the impacts on people and the environment in the Arctic. Today her research activities are focused in three areas: the integration of historic and modern data sets to better understand how the Arctic functions as a system; mobilizing genomics and genomics tools for Arctic biodiversity conservation and wildlife management; and research and strategic planning for the ongoing development and implementation of an internationally supported Arctic Observing System.

In 2016 Maribeth initiated the development of the Canadian Consortium for Arctic Data Interoperability (CCADI), a national coalition of universities, Indigenous organizations, federal departments, not-for profit and private-sector partners. The CCADI is engaged in the design and establishment of an Arctic Research Data Infrastructure for Canada to improve access to data, data interoperability and data analytics in support of decision-making across scales and organizations, and for research.

Maribeth is a member of the Board of Directors of Polar Knowledge Canada, a member of the Canadian Mountain Network Board of Directors, a past member of the Board of Directors of the Arctic Research Consortium of the United States, and a past faculty member of the University of Alaska Fairbanks.


Brent Else

Brent Else

Associate Director


Supports the executive director with tasks related to AINA's strategic plan.

Establish partnerships and write grant applications to develop AINA's leadership capacity.

Connect UCalgary researchers with AINA initiatives.

Supports initiatives related to AINA's Observer status at Arctic Council.

Associate Professor, Geography

PhD, Environment and Geography – University of Manitoba (2012)

Maria Beketskaia

Maria Beketskaia

Operations Manager


Maria is accountable for orchestrating the smooth and effective operation of AINA, by managing the Institute’s finances, human resources, and day-to-day administrative services.

Prior to joining AINA, Maria was a Research Associate for 7 years in the Departments of Surgery, Radiology, and Clinical Neurosciences at the Cumming School of Medicine (University of Calgary).

During her free time, she enjoys exploring the mountains with her husband, daughter, and elderly Pomeranian (Zelda!).

Cert. in Project Management – University of Calgary (2019)
MSc in Molecular Microbiology – University of Calgary (2014)
BSc in Cellular, Molecular, and Microbial Biology – University of Calgary (2011)

Shannon McAllister

Shannon McAllister

Manager, Research Data, Collections, and Digital Services


Shannon leads the Institute’s initiatives in knowledge mobilization and exchange including its databases, digital projects, and initiatives related to the Institute-led Canadian Consortium for Arctic Data Interoperability (CCADI). She also manages the Institute’s internal special collections and acts as the Institute’s liaison for AINA Collections held at University of Calgary Libraries. 

Shannon is the Project Coordinator for the Canadian Consortium for Arctic Data Interoperability, the Institute’s representative on the International Arctic Science Committee/Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks Arctic Data Committee, the Vice-Lead for the University of the Arctic Thematic Network on Decolonization of Arctic Library and Archives Metadata (DALAM), the Co-Chair of the Polar Observing Assets working group (POAwg), a member of the ADC-IARPC-SCADM Vocabularies and Semantics Working Group, a member of the Polar Libraries Colloquy Steering Committee (currently serving as ex-officio Web Developer), and she sits on the Advisory Board of the Polar Data Journal.

MLIS – University of Alberta (2005)
BA in Anthropology – University of Calgary (1999)
BA in English – University of Calgary (1999)

Patty Wells

Patty Wells

Editor, ARCTIC Journal


Processing manuscript submissions and peer-review, managing production, and publishing quarterly journal issues.

Patty's research has focused on the social life of the first Arctic peoples who lived on the island of Newfoundland through her study of animal exploitation for food and raw materials in the manufacture of tools.

PhD in Archaeology – Memorial University of Newfoundland (2012)


Kim standing on a mountain summit

Kim Hatcher

Field Station Operations Manager, KLRS


Kim is a Yukon-based geologist with a passion for mountains, volcanoes, and glaciers. While earning a Bachelor of Science in Geology from the University of British Columbia, she pursued geophysics research on volcanic plume dynamics. She spent six years exploring mineral potential throughout Northern Canada and Alaska.

As the Field Station Operations Manager, Kim aims to use her background in geoscience and project management to help contribute to the growth and success of programs at KLRS. Through communication and collaboration, she strives to facilitate a positive space for all researchers and community members.

An outdoor enthusiast, Kim enjoys adventuring in the mountains year-round. She resides in an off-grid cabin near Haines Junction, and is grateful to live, work, and play in the traditional territory of the Kluane, Champagne and Aishihik, and White River First Nations.

Shivangi Mishra

Shivangi Mishra

Postdoctoral Associate, Arctic Genomics


Dr. Mishra’s research focus is the role of genomics in fostering and supporting Arctic Biodiversity. The goal of her project is to mobilize genomics research outcomes on Arctic wildlife to diverse end users for the widest possible benefit and in the interest of environmental management and the sustainable use of living resources.

During her Doctoral thesis, Dr. Mishra has worked on the conservation of globally endangered Egyptian Vultures in Uttar Pradesh, India. She has presented this research at both national and international conferences and received numerous prestigious awards, including the William C. Andersen Award (2018), the James Koplin Award (2019), and the Wings to Fly Award (2020) by Raptor Research Foundation, USA. She has also studied butterflies in Uttar Pradesh and secured funding from the U.P. State Biodiversity Board for this project. Dr. Mishra’s research work has led to over 25 research papers and two book publications.

During her free time she loves to travel and explore new places.

PhD in Zoology – University of Lucknow (2022)
MSc in Zoology – University of Lucknow (2013)
BSc in Zoology, Botany, Chemistry – University of Lucknow (2011)

Steven Crookes

Steven Crookes

Research Associate, Canadian BioGenome Project


Steve Crookes is a Research Associate attached to the Canadian BioGenome Project whose aim is to support genomics tool development for at risk, socio-economically valuable and culturally important species within an ecosystem context, and to empower local communities with such tools so they can be incorporated into indigenous, local, and regional biodiversity conservation, management, restoration, and monitoring programs.  

Prior to joining AINA, Steve spent most of the last decade working in the nascent ‘environmental DNA’ biomonitoring sector, including co-founding a company — Precision Biomonitoring, Inc — in 2016 whilst a postdoc at the University of Guelph, with a focus on detecting DNA in environmental samples shed by both at risk and invasive biota. This ultimately led to an “innovation of the year” award (2022) by the University for helping the commercial environmental monitoring sector adopt novel DNA-based methods. Steve has also worked in functional ecology, investigating the relative efficacy of resource utilization by invasive species and their native trophic analogs in areas where they now coexist.  

During leisure time, Steve loves to travel and hike; read science and history non-fiction; immerse himself in music and film; and spend quality time with family (both human and canine).  

PhD in Population Genetics and Molecular Ecology – Royal Holloway, University of London (2013)

Kara Matthews

Kara Matthews

Senior Information Analyst 


Kara works with the Research Data, Collections, & Digital Services team at the Arctic Institute, and has a special interest in geospatial data visualization, research data and information management, and science outreach, particularly via simple web application development.

Kara has a background in Earth and data sciences. Prior to joining the Institute, she was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Oxford and the University of Sydney, building quantitative plate reconstruction models and using marine geophysics data to map and interpret tectonic structures on the seafloor.

PhD in Geophysics – University of Sydney (2014)

Jacob Huffman

Jacob Huffman

Information Analyst 


My primary role is to keep the Institute's bibliographic database up to date with the latest arctic research from our clients and us. I have a B.A. in art history from the University of Calgary and originally came to the Institute as a volunteer with the ambition of cataloging the institutes' extensive collection of Inuit handicraft, arctic art, and ephemera. Outside of my work with AINA, I have worked on major public art projects and have worked in contemporary art in varying professional roles, including curatorial and preparatory.

Alexandra Tremblay

Alexandra Tremblay

Information Analyst 


Alexandra joined AINA in September of 2022, taking on the position of Information Analyst with Research Data, Collections, and Digital Services.

During Alexandra’s post-secondary studies, she worked as a historian, archivist, and special collections specialist at The Military Museums in Calgary. She is also a full-time artist, has her own painting practice, and is the owner of a traditional beading business. A bilingual Calgarian (English/French), Alexandra holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Alberta University of the Arts and a Bachelor of Arts in History from the University of Calgary, with a focus on Canadian and Indigenous military history. In 2020-21, she completed a Master’s in Art Law from the University of York in England. Her LLM dissertation focused on the restitution and repatriation of cultural heritage and property of Canada’s First Peoples, including a comparative study of the Canadian and British legal frameworks and museum legislations. Alexandra is thrilled to be a part of AINA’s diverse and passionate team.

Outside of work and academia, Alexandra is always learning, reading, and creating. She enjoys the wonders of the Rocky Mountains of Treaty 7 territory and does so through hiking, rock climbing, snowshoeing, skating, and snowboarding.

Munish Madan

Munish Madan

Software Engineer


Munish leads software engineering and application development for the “The Canadian Consortium for Arctic Data Interoperability” (CCADI) based at the Arctic Institute of North America. CCADI consists of various geospatial, visualization and scientific applications that comprise an integrated Canadian arctic data management system which facilitates data interoperability and exchange between researchers. In his role Munish helps to design, develop, maintain and manage CCADI systems that have been created by member institutions across North America and Europe.

Emily Marston

Emily Marston

Project Coordinator


Emily is Project Coordinator for Arctic Genomics and the Canadian BioGenome Project.

The Arctic Genomics research team, led by Maribeth Murray (AINA) and Peter Pulsifer (University of Carleton), is working to co-develop a suite of genomics knowledge-mobilization tools that will support environmental decision making. The Canada BioGenome Project, with partners across Canada, is part of the International Earth BioGenome Project and is providing the first genomic assessment of biodiversity of Canadian species.

Emily is also an undergraduate student at Royal Roads University, pursuing a degree in Environmental Management. She graduated from Olds College in 2018 with a diploma in Environmental Stewardship and Rural Planning.

Talia Wells

Talia Wells

Research Associate


Talia is an interdisciplinary researcher with an MA in Political Science from the University of Calgary (2020). Her research interests include the science-policy interface, environmental security, science communication, and the intersection of Western science and Indigenous/Inuit Traditional Knowledge (ITK) in the Canadian North as they pertain to policy development, Arctic observation, infrastructure expansion, Northern access, and resource development. She is passionate about making Arctic science more engaging, accessible and relatable.  

Talia joined AINA in 2021, serving as the Project Coordinator for the 2022 Arctic Observing Summit in Tromsø, Norway and has since moved into the role of Research Associate. She supports AINA's research objectives and serves several organizations with the goal of developing and furthering the Arctic observational network, including the Sea Ice Expert Panel (Arctic Passion/ROADS), Observing System Benefits Working Group (AOS 2024), US AON Expert Committee, and the ROADS Advisory Panel. 

Talia is also the owner/operator of TWEquestrian, a boutique equestrian business specializing in coaching, training and sales. In her time "out of office" she can be found traveling or enjoying the outdoors.

M.A. Political Science – University of Calgary (2020)
B.A. International Relations – University of Calgary (2014)
B.A. Political Science – University of Calgary (2014) 

Board of Directors

George Lidgett (Chair)

Henry Sykes

John Miller

Susan Kutz

Brian Moorman

Kate Darling

William Ghali

David Grimes


Mr. Pita Aatami, 2008

Mr. Gunther Abrahamson*, 1983

Dr. W. P. Adams, 1973

Mr. Joanasie Akumalik, 1999

Mr. John Amagoalik, 1999

Mr. Thomas D. Andrews, 1997

Mr. D. C. Archibald, 1959

Dr. Charles Arnold, 1992

Dr. A. W. F. Banfield*, 1956

Ms. Barbara Barde, 1997

Ms. Claire Barnabe, 1997

Dr. William Barr, 1978;

Dr. Thomas W. Barry, 1976

Mr. Tom Beck, 1978

Mr. John Kim Bell, 1999

Mr. Michael H. Bell, 1974

Dr. Weston Blake, Jr., 1963

Dr. Robert M. Bone, 1997

Ms. Lorraine E. Brandson, 2008

Dr. Guy R. Brassard, 1986

Mr. Fred Bruemmer, 1976

Dr. Angus A. Bruneau, 1976

Dr. C. R. Burn, 1996

Dr. Garry K. C. Clarke, 1976

Dr. Arthur E. Collin, 1963

Mrs. G. A. Cooke, 1989

Ms. Elizabeth Copland, 1999

Mr. Tagak Curley, 1999

Mr. Kenneth De La Barre, 1986

Dr. Bill Doidge*, 2006

Dr. Louis-Jacques Dorais, 2004

Dr. Marianne S. V. Douglas, 1998

Mr. Lawrence K. Duffy, 2006

Ms. Leannie Duffy, 1999

Dr. Arthur S. Dyke, 1999

Mr. R. Michael Eaton, 1963

Dr. John England, 1999

Mr. Harald W. Finkler, 1993

Ms. Maryantonett Flumian, 1999

Mrs. Diana Fowler LeBlanc, 1999

Dr. J. A. Fraser, 1960

Dr. J. Keith Fraser, 1960

Dr. Milton M. Freeman, 1971

Dr. Hugh French*, 1984

Mr. Thomas Frisch, 1986

Dr. Konrad Gajewski, 2008

Mr. Elmer Ghostkeeper, 1997

Dr. Robert Gilbert, 1999

Mr. W. M. Gilchrist, 1963

Mr. David Gill, 1991

Mr. C. Ross Goodwin, 2011

Dr. Bryan C. Gordon, 1991

Mr. F. C. Goulding Smith, 1983

Dr. E. H. Grainger, 1954

Dr. David R. Gray, 1991

Dr. Anne Gunn, 1993

Dr. Louis-Edmond Hamelin*, 1964

Ms. Ann Hanson, 1999

Dr. F. K. Hare*, 1955

Dr. C. R. Harington, 1964

Ms. Lois Harwood, 2004

Dr. James W. Helmer, 1995

Mr. R. A. Hemstock, 1973

Dr. Greg Henry, 1996

Dr. W. W. Heywood, 1960

Mr. Richard Hill, 1973

Dr. L. V. Hills*, 1980

Mr. George D. Hobson*, 1978

Mr. Stuart Hodgson*, 1986

Dr. G. Holdsworth, 1995

Mr. Nick Holowaychuk*, 1978

Mr. Ben Hubert, 1984

Judge James Igloliorte, 1999

Prof. Jack D. Ives, 1966 

Dr. C. Ian Jackson, 1967

Dr. Robert Janes, 1984

Dr. J. P. Johnson, 1972

Dr. Lionel Johnson, 1994

Dr. Peter G. Johnson, 1998

Dr. Stephen R. Johnson, 1993

Mr. G. H. Johnston, 1966

Mr. T. B. Kilpatrick, 1963

Mr. Zacharias Kunuk, 2004

Mr. Jose Kusugak*, 1999

Mr. Michael Kusugak, 1999

Dr. Antoni Lewkowicz, 1995

Dr. Olav H. Loken, 1964

Mr. Jim Lotz, 1963

Mr. Alan Loughrey, 1958

Dr. Wayne Lynch, 1997

Dr. J. Ross Mackay*, 1956

Dr. A. H. Macpherson, 1957

Dr. A. W. Mansfield, 1960

Mr. W. E. Markham, 1978

Dr. Phillip Marsh, 2002

Ms. Constance Martin, 2004

Dr. Karen McCullough, 1992

Dr. Robert J. McGhee, 1971

Mr. Frank L. Miller, 1990

Mr. A. R. Milne, 1964

Mr. David A. Morrison, 1991

Dr. Walter Nassichuk, 1983

Mr. John H. Parker, 1976

Dr. Wayne H. Pollard, 2001

Dr. Geoffrey Power, 1963

Dr. Vernon N. Rampton, 1988

Mr. Michael P. Robinson, 1999

Dr. Ernest F. Roots*, 1955

Dr. Donald C. Rose, 1955

Ms. Monique Ross, 1999

Dr. Wayne Rouse, 1999

Mrs. Diana M. Rowley*, 1954

Dr. Nathaniel W. Rutter, 1973

Dr. Bernard Saladin d'Anglure, 2004

Dr. James M. Savelle, 1993

Mr. Donat Savoie, 1996

Dr. P. Schledermann, 1978

Dr. Charles Schweger, 1989

Ms. Mary Simon, 1999

Dr. Thomas G. Smith, 1976

Dr. John P. Smol, 1993

Dr. Denis A. St-Onge, 1994

Dr. John K. Stager, 1992

Dr. I. Stirling, 1983

Dr. Patricia Sutherland, 2008

Dr. Josef Svoboda, 1993

Dr. E.J.E. Szathmary, 1989

Dr. John S. Tener, 1957

Dr. John B. Theberge, 1980

Mr. Donald C. Thomas, 1997

Mr. Gerald J. Thompson, 1978

Dr. Joan Townsend*, 1973

Dr. Robert O. van Everdingen, 2006

Ms. Sheila Watt-Cloutier, 2004

Dr. J. R. Weber, 1959

Dr. Robert B. Weeden, 1967

Dr. Norman J. Wilimovsky, 1957

Mr. Andy Williams, 2007

Dr. Cynthia Wilson, 1972

Dr. William C. Wonders*, 1972

Dr. Ming-ko Woo, 1994

Mr. Harold Wright, 2014

Dr. Kathy Young, 2008

Dr. Morris Zaslow*, 1976

Mr. W. S. Ziegler, 1976

Mr. John B. Zoe, 1997

* = Deceased

Dr. Knut Aagaard, 1973

Prof. Robert E. Ackerman, 1971

Dr. Thomas F. Albert, 2000

Dr. Douglas D. Anderson, 1997

Dr. John T. Andrews, 1972

Ms. Martha Andrews, 1999

Mr. Spencer Apollonio, 1964

Mr. David F. Barnes*, 1961

Dr. Roger G. Barry, 1978

Dr. Thomas R. Bender, 1974

Dr. Carl S. Benson, 1960

Dr. Charles R. Bentley*, 1992

Dr. Lawrence Bliss, 1972

Mr. John R. Bockstoce, 1992

Dr. R. Terry Bowyer, 2002

William L. Boyd, 1978

Prof. Raymond S. Bradley, 1994

Dr. Max C. Brewer*, 1957

Capt. Lawson W. Brigham, 1995

Dr. N.W. Ten Brink, 1989

Dr. Jerry Brown, 1976

Dr. Ernest S. Burch, Jr.*, 1974

Dr. William Burnham, 1998

Mr. John J. Burns, 1985

Dr. Norman A. Chance, 1971

Dr. Paul A. Colinvaux, 1978

Mr. T. Neil Davis, 1978

Ms. Mary R. Dawson, 1978

Mr. J. T. Dutro, 1978

Dr. Robert Elsner, 1985

Mr. Robert C. Faylor, 1963

Dr. Oscar J. Ferrians, Jr., 1972

Dr. William W. Fitzhugh, 1971

Ms. Lydia Fohn-Hansen*, 1956

Dr. G. E. Folk, Jr., 1978

Dr. Robert Fortuine, 1987

Ms. Kathryn J. Frost, 1985

Dr. John Craighead George, 2016 

Dr. Nelson Graburn, 2004

Dr. Donn K. Haglund*, 1968

Dr. Edwin S. Hall, Jr., 1971

Dr. David M. Hopkins*, 1955

Dr. Rita A. Horner, 1978

Dr. Charles S. Houston, 1973

Dr. Charles C. Hughes, 1961

Dr. Kenneth Hunkins*, 1973

Dr. Keith M. Hussey, 1978

Dr. Martin O. Jeffries, 1994

Dr. M. W. Johnson, 1974

Dr. John J. Kelley, 1978

Dr. Brina Kessel, 1978

Dr. David R. Klein, 1987

Mr. Austin Kovacs, 1994

Dr. Joseph H. Kravitz, 1976

Dr. Arthur H. Lachenbruch, 1961

Dr. Chester Langway, Jr., 1973

Dr. William S. Laughlin*, 1954 

Dr. Dan Laursen, 1973

Mr. Jack W. Lentfer, 1978

Dr. George A. Llano, 1958

Mr. Lloyd F. Lowry, 1985

Dr. Edna A. MacLean, 1985

Dr. S. F. MacLean Jr., 1985

Dr. Keith B. Mather*, 1968

Dr. William G. Mattox, 1974

Dr. Allen P. McCartney, 1976

Dr. Catharine McClellan, 1971

Mr. Ronald K. McGregor, 1976

Capt. Alfred S. McLaren, 1983

Dr. Mark F. Meier*, 1964

Dr. Charles F. Merbs, 1972

Dr. Henry N. Michael*, 1964

Dr. Frederick A. Milan, 1979

Dr. Maynard M. Miller, 1976

Dr. L. K. Miller, 1968

Dr. William J. Mills, Jr., 1985

Mr. Charles G. Mull, 1973

Dr. A. Sathy Naidu, 2000

Dr. David Norton, 1999

Mr. Patrick H. O'Neill, 1973

Dr. N. A. Ostenso*, 1963

Dr. Samuel I. Outcalt, 1979

Ms. Melanie Paulson, 2022

Mr. Einar S. Pedersen, 1983

Dr. Troy L. Pewe*, 1953

Mr. Richard H. Ragle*, 1963

Col. Herbert H. Rasche, 1966

Dr. Robert L. Rausch*, 1953

Dr. Jack N. Rinker, 1967

Dr. William L. Ryan, 1976

Mr. Donald M. Schell, 1985

Mr. John F. Schindler, 1973

Dr. Ruth A.M. Schmidt*, 1985

Mr. O. G. Simpson, 1977

Mr. Walter S. Sullivan, Jr.*, 1959

Dr. Robert S. Suydam, 2016

Dr. J. C. Tedrow, 1978

Mr. Lowell Thomas, Jr.*, 1974

Dr. Larry S. Underwood, 1974

Dr. Norbert Untersteiner*, 1968

Dr. H. J. Walker, 1978

Dr. Patrick J. Webber, 1978

Ms. Florence R. Weber, 1963

Dr. W.F. Weeks, 1974

Dr. George C. West, 1968

Mr. Robert G. White, 1987

Mr. Donald E. Wohlschlag, 1960

Dr. William R. Wood, 1964

Ms. Karen W. Workman, 1974

Dr. Oran R. Young, 1995

Mr. Steven B. Young, 1974  

* = Deceased

Dr. Christian Vibe | Denmark | 1950

Dr. Phil N. Nielsen | Denmark | 1950

Mr. Paul-Emile Victor* | French Polynesia | 1953

Col. N. A. C. Croft* | United Kingdom | 1954

Dr. G. Hattersley-Smith* | United Kingdom | 1955

Prof. Veikko Okko* | Finland | 1963

Dr. Erkki Palosuo* | Finland | 1963

Mr. Henrik Hoejmark | Denmark |1966

Mr. C. W. Swithinbank | United Kingdom | 1966

Dr. Kou Kusunoki | Japan | 1973

Dr. E. K. Fedorov | Russian Federation | 1976

Dr. EvginiiI Tolstikov | Russian Federation | 1976

Prof. A. F. Treshnikov | Russian Federation | 1976

Dr. Boris Yurtsev | Russian Federation | 1977

Dr. Gunter E. Weller | Australia | 1978

Prof. Louis Rey | Switzerland | 1979

Dr. Peter Wadhams | United Kingdom | 1983

Dr. Adam Watson | United Kingdom | 1983

Mr. Bent Fredskild | Denmark | 1986

Prof. Atsumu Ohmura | Switzerland | 1989

Dr. Gunnar Ostrem | Norway | 1991

Dr. Hans Rothlisberger | Switzerland | 1992

Dr. Matti Seppala | Finland | 1993

Major Jan Erling Haugland | Sweden | 1997

Mr. Leif Rantala | Finland | 1999

Dr. Mark A. Nuttall | United Kingdom | 2002

* = Deceased

Research Associates

First Name Last Name Email Research Interests
Don Albright dalbright@gartnerlee.com Biology
Tom Andrews tomandr@gmail.com Archaeology
Charles Arnold arnold.charles199@gmail.com Archaeology, Expedition Cruise Tourism
Bill Barr wbarr207@gmail.com Geography, History/Heritage
Margaret Bertulli margmb@mymts.net Archaeology
Ellen Bielawski ellenb@ualberta.ca Anthropology
Lloyd Binder lnbinder@permafrost.com Economic Development
Alexander Braun braun@queensu.ca Geodesy
Garry Clarke clarke@geop.ubc.ca Glaciology
Helen Corbett helencorbett@shaw.ca Film, journalism
Pete Dawson pcdawson@ucalgary.ca Archaeology
Ken de la Barre kendelabar@yahoo.ca  
Jon Dudley jsdudley@ucalgary.ca Canadian Arctic Culture, Earth Science Outreach, Geology
Elmer Ghostkeeper   Aboriginal Studies
Jeff Gilmour jeffgilmour@telus.net Law
John Graham jrgraham@ucalgary.ca Economic Development
Norman Hallendy tukilik@rogers.com Ethnohistory
Gerald Holdsworth gholdswo@gmail.com Glaciology
Gunhild Hoogensen gunhildh@sv.uit.no Political Science
Rob Huebert rhuebert@ucalgary.ca Political Science
Martha Johnson Martha.Johnson@cer-rec.gc.ca Anthropology
Peter Johnson peterj@uOttawa.ca Geography
Kenneth Jones kenjones@ucalgary.ca Archaeology, Geography, Geology, History/Heritage
Karim-Aly Kassam ksk28@cornell.edu Interdisciplinary
Heidi Klein northerntrekker@gmail.com  
Susan Kutz skutz@ucalgary.ca Arctic Parasitology
P. Whitney Lackenbauer whitney.lackenbauer@uwaterloo.ca History/Heritage
Adam Lajeunesse adam_lajeunesse@outlook.com History/Heritage, Military History, Political Science
Nic Larter Nic_Larter@gov.nt.ca Zoology
Allice Legat legat@ucalgary.ca Anthropology
Robert MacDonald rjmacdon@ucalgary.ca History/Heritage
Sean Maher s.k.maher.00@cantab.net Anthropology
Constance Martin martinc@ucalgary.ca Art History, Curation
Arthur Mason arthur.mason@asu.edu Anthropology
David Millar david.millar@ucalgary.ca Glaciology, Palaeoclimates
Frank Miller frank.miller@ec.gc.ca Wildlife Biology
Brian Moorman moorman@ucalgary.ca Geography, Glaciology
Magdalena Muir magdalenaakmuir@gmail.com Adaption Governance, Climate Adaptation and Mitigation, Resource Development/Infrastr., Sustainable Energy Development, Sustainable Tourism
Dave Norton ffdwn@uaf.edu Ecology
Marc Poulin poulin@ucalgary.ca Cerebral Blood Flow
Annie Quinney aequinne@ucalgary.ca Earth Science Outreach, Geology
Ravi Sankar sankarrd@longwood.edu Earth Science, Coastal Geomorphology
William Semple wsemple@ualberta.ca Architect, Design
Alan Smart asmart@ucalgary.ca Anthropology
Jane Sproull Thomson jsthomso@gmail.com Heritage Planning, Inuit Art and Culture
Mary Stapleton mary@stapleton.ca History/Heritage, Planning
Emma J. Stewart Emma.Stewart@Lincoln.ac.nz Geography
Wayne Strong wlstrong@northwestel.net Forest Ecology
Susanne Swibold smswibold@nucleus.com Film, Journalism
Darielle Talarico darielle@tippingpointstrategies.ca Public Policy
Callum Thomson jmthomso@ucalgary.ca Archaeology, Expedition Cruise Tourism
Jack van Camp nrtp.ac@auroranet.nt.ca Environmental Science
Robert van Everdingen ervan@ucalgary.ca Hydrogeology
Wanda Wuttunee wwuttun@cc.umanitoba.ca Law, Management, Native Studies
John Yackel yackel@ucalgary.ca Geography
Jose Zorillo josez@theheg.com Interdisciplinary