About Us
Arctic Institute of North America
The Arctic Institute of North America was created by an Act of Parliament in 1945 as a nonprofit tax-exempt research and educational organization. Originally based at McGill University in Montreal, the Institute moved to the University of Calgary in 1976. In 1979 the Institute became part of the University of Calgary as a university research institute.
Our mandate is to advance the study of the North American and circumpolar Arctic through the natural and social sciences, the arts and humanities and to acquire, preserve and disseminate information on physical, environmental and social conditions in the North.
In 2005, the Institute celebrated two important milestones AINA's 60th birthday and its 30th anniversary at the University of Calgary.
For a more detailed history of the Arctic Institute of North America, please see Research Associate Robert MacDonald's publication on AINA's history, which appeared in the December 2005 issue of Arctic.

We conduct, support, preserve, and communicate Arctic research.
Since its creation, the Arctic Institute has published many books on the North. These reflect the interdisciplinary nature of the Institute, which is mandated to collect and disseminate information from the natural and social sciences and humanities.